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Why Is It So Important to Hire an SSDI Lawyer?

Thinking about not hiring a social security attorney for your disability claim? Think again. Hiring an SSDI attorney can be the difference between winning and losing a case. Here’s everything you need to know about why it’s important to hire such an attorney


Why SSDI Attorneys?

Any good SSDI attorney will tell you that the No. 1 factor to winning a case is having the right medical evidence. People without such attorneys often don’t know what kind of paperwork and information they need to submit to the Social Security Administration. Many times, people who don’t have attorneys may send materials that don’t support their claim, either too much information that doesn’t pertain to the case or too little. 


Here are a few reasons why those with legal support for SSDI cases often win:

Disability attorneys know exactly the type of evidence that needs to be submitted. When an SSDI lawyer receives a case, they will examine it thoroughly and will determine whether the applicant needs to submit more medical tests or records. Then, the attorney will support the applicant in getting those records and tests (if necessary) and know exactly how and when to submit them. Most importantly, they know which information NOT to submit, which is something many applicants don’t know about. Administrative law judges can get very frustrated when irrelevant information is submitted, which may affect the case outcome.

Social security attorneys often have an open line of communication with medical providers. In order to win a disability claim, you will surely need a supportive opinion from your doctor. And while many doctors are reluctant to help disability applicants, as they may be too busy or not understand how the process works, an attorney who works with these types of medical professionals on a daily basis has a working relationship with them. Plus, because they know how the process works, they know the right questions to ask, as to not waste their time. Often doctors are more willing to work with attorneys than directly with applicants. 

If you’re not an attorney, the hearing process will be intimidating. Naturally, if your case gets to the hearing level, an attorney will know exactly how the process will go, whereas an applicant who’s not an attorney might be intimidated and confused by the procedure. Applicants who have attorneys behind them are most likely to win on appeal because SSDI attorneys are experts at the hearing process

ssdi attorney signing paperwork
Plus, they:
  • Know the judges—which can definitely be in your favor. They will know how each judge works, any biases they might have, and what might and might not work in your favor. This is definitely a benefit, especially if you come in cold, knowing nothing. 
  • Handle information that might be hurtful to you. Most claims have information that might be harmful to the overall outcome, but an SSDI lawyer knows how to confront these issues and sway them in your favor. 
  • Can cross-examine the vocational expert. Part of the claim process is asking questions to the vocational expert in order to determine whether the applicant can work or not. SSDI attorneys are trained to counter negative testimony, by understanding how different jobs and skills work together. 
  • Question you effectively. You, as an applicant, will be asked a lot of questions by the judge, and if something isn’t explained well enough, the attorney will be able to spot this and redirect the questioning so that you can properly support your claim. 

They know what it takes to win. This is what these attorneys spent years of schooling on and now do every day. They understand what the rules and regulations are regarding the practice, and have examined cases in order to learn what legal mechanisms can be applied to win cases and minimize weaknesses in arguments. And because some aspect of your life is in their hands, it’s their job to give you the best outcome. 

Now that you know why it’s important to hire an SSDI attorney, we hope you consider doing so with your claim. It could be the difference between winning and losing a case, and your well-being is too important to risk. 


More Information

If you think you might want to hire a disability lawyer to help you receive Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, contact Lowery Law Group at info@lowerylegal.com or call (843) 991-0733. There is no fee for a free consultation regarding your claim. Lowery Law Group is experienced in handling cases in South Carolina as well as Georgia.