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Supplemental Security Income

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The Lowery Law Group
Phone  (843) 991-0733
Fax  (843) 628-4895

1156 Bowman Road
Suite 200
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Supplemental Security Income

Supplemental Social Security Income (also known as SSI or Title XVI) is a needs-based program generally for individuals who have not worked or whose work history is too remote to be eligible for Disability Insurance benefits. To be eligible to apply for Supplemental Security Income, an individual not only has to be found disabled they must have limited resources.

For single individuals, household resources must be under $2,000, and for married individuals, under $3,000. It is important to keep in mind, that if your spouse has regular income, Social Security may “deem” part of that income to you when it determines whether you meet the financial requirements for Supplemental Security Income.

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How much will I receive per month in Supplemental Security Income benefits?

The amount of Supplemental Security Income per month that you will receive will be different depending on whether you are married, whether your state pays a state supplement that increases your payment, and whether you have any countable income that decreases your payment for ssi eligibility. For 2020, the maximum amount an individual is eligible for in Supplemental Security Income is $783.00 a month person income.

If approved for disability will I be eligible for Medicare or Medicaid?

Disabled individuals who are approved for Supplemental Security Income will receive Medicaid. There is no waiting period for Medicaid benefits to begin once a claim is approved.

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Calculation Details for Supplemental Security Income

Determine annual and monthly amounts for eligible individual, couple and essential person.

The amounts payable to SSI recipients increase each year with cost of living increases. For 2020, the maximum Federal amount an individual can receive in SSI benefits is $783 a month, $1,175 for an eligible individual and eligible spouse, and $392 for an SSI essential person. This amount may be reduced if the individual has other countable income.

calculation chart showing disability claims amounts for South Carolina
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Rules for Getting SSI

Your Income and Resources determine wheter you can get SSI and depends on your income and resources (the things you own).

Supplemental Security Income Lawyer Rules in South Carolina

There is NO FEE for a FREE consultation  regarding your claim, thus you have nothing to lose by calling Lowery Law Group today to discuss your case. We handle cases in both South Carolina as well as Georgia.

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Schedule a NO FEE Social Security Disability claim consultation with Lowery Law Group today.