SSDI Recipients Can Still Receive VA Compensation
We all want to honor veterans who have served our country, especially those who have done so at personal cost. Sometimes, veterans sustain an injury that results in a disability, to which they are entitled to compensation.
What is VA Compensation?
VA Compensation is a way to give back to veterans who are disabled as a result of their service to their country. This could include any injury or physical or mental illness a veteran sustains while serving or if their service exacerbates a preexisting condition.
How do they determine VA Compensation?
Your VA Compensation is determined based on the number and extent of your disabilities. When you submit evidence to them, including doctor’s reports, test results, VA claim exam results, and other information, they assign your various disabilities a numerical rating.
If you have multiple disabilities, they use a combined ratings table to calculate your VA Compensation. They order disabilities by severity, and look up where the numbers meet in the table. They round the resulting figure to the nearest 10.
For example, a Veteran who is 40% disabled but has another 30% injury would be a 58 in the table, which rounds to 60%. That Veteran would be compensated based on that number.
The more severe and numerous your disabilities, the higher the compensation you are likely to receive.
Additionally, they adjust the benefits received based on the cost of living, accounting for inflation, and may award you additional compensation if you have dependents or a disabled spouse.
If you want to get an idea of the VA disability you could be entitled to receive, you can use their VA disability calculator.
In 2021, VA Compensation payments single veteran without dependents starts at $144.14 a month for 10% disabled to $3,146.42 for 100% disabled.
Can I Receive VA Compensation if I am already receiving SSDI?
The short answer is, yes. If you are already receiving SSDI, you can apply and be approved to receive VA Compensation separately.
Similarly, if you are already receiving VA Compensation you could still receive SSDI. This is because the two federal agencies that determine eligibility and disburse payments have different processes.
If you already receive VA compensation, you aren’t automatically qualified for SSDI. Yet, it does increase the likelihood that you will be. You also might not be qualified if you have not spent enough time working at a job where you paid Social Security taxes.
However, if you are not 100% disabled but cannot hold a job because of the disability you sustained while serving, you might be qualified for VA’s Individual Unemployability benefit.
What Types of SSDI Benefits Can I Receive?
Should you qualify to receive SSDI along with your VA Compensation, your monthly SSDI benefits will be based on the average of your earnings over your lifetime.
Unlike your VA Compensation, the benefits are not based on the extent of your disabilities. Instead, there is a disability threshold that is the deciding factor in whether you can receive disability, based on whether you can work or not. In 2021, SSDI benefits average $1277 per month.
Your SSDI payment is based purely on the extent of your disabilities and not on your financial need. Therefore, your VA Compensation is not considered and does not affect the amount of your SSDI payment.
Can I Receive SSI Benefits with VA Compensation, too?
The answer is yes. You can receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) along with your VA Compensation as well.
Unlike your SSDI payments, your VA compensation will reduce your SSI payment, as SSI payments are based on financial need.
In 2021, if your VA Compensation is over $794, you will not qualify for SSI. However, if your VA Compensation is lower than $794, your VA Compensation will be deducted from the SSI payment.
For example, if you receive $600 in VA Compensation, you would only receive $194 in SSI.
More Information
For expedited processing, you can indicate on your SSDI application form that you are considered 100% disabled by the VA by making a note in the Remarks section.
You might also be able to get expedited processing if you became disabled during active duty on or after October 1, 2001. Contact us for more information and help in the application process.
If you want help to get the VA Compensation or SSDI you need, contact us. We can help you to get the assistance you need and deserve and walk you through the necessary steps to get there.
Contact Lowery Law Group at info@lowerylegal.com or call (843) 991-0733. There is no fee for a free consultation regarding your claim. Lowery Law Group is experienced in handling cases in South Carolina as well as Georgia.