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Representation at Disability Hearings

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The Lowery Law Group
Phone  (843) 991-0733
Fax  (843) 628-4895

1156 Bowman Road
Suite 200
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Representation at Disability Hearings

The ability to sit down with a Judge and discuss your case in person with an attorney can make all the difference in obtaining an approval.

When your hearing is scheduled you will receive at least 75 days notice to allow you and your attorney time to collect additional medical evidence and prepare for the hearing. It is important to have an attorney who knows your Judge’s preferences so that your case can be presented in the most effective way possible. At Lowery Law Group we conduct pre-hearing conferences well in advance of hearings where we will examine your file either over the telephone or in person, discuss sample questions, and review procedural issues so that you will be prepared as best as possible.


Marie is one of the ONLY attorneys in the Lowcountry who has previous experience working directly as an attorney for the Social Security Administration’s Office of Hearing Operations, and has successfully handled thousands of disability claims in hearings before federal administrative law judges and in administrative and federal court appeals. Contact Lowery Law Group today to discuss your case at no charge.

There is NO FEE for a FREE consultation  regarding your claim, thus you have nothing to lose by calling Lowery Law Group today to discuss your case. We handle cases in both South Carolina as well as Georgia.

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Schedule a NO FEE Social Security Disability claim consultation with Lowery Law Group today.