Plan for the Future with a Representative Payee
If you have started receiving SSI, SSDI, or Special Veterans Benefits, you may want to consider choosing a representative payee.
You choose your representative payee through Advance Designation and can choose up to three people to represent you.
Choosing someone through Advance Designation does not automatically mean they will be your representative payee. Those you choose through Advance Designation will only be contacted to become your representative payee if you need assistance in managing your benefits because of a decline in health or mental ability. Having a Representative Payee ensures that your benefits are managed by a person or organization you trust.
Who can use Advance Designation of a Representative Payee?
Any capable adult receiving SSI, SSDI, or Special Veterans Benefits can choose future representatives through Advance Designation. Minors who receive benefits directly and don’t already have someone managing their benefits can do so as well.
Can I Change My Choice of Designee?
If an individual or organization (such as a nursing home) becomes your Representative Payee, they must use the monthly benefits they receive on the following for you:
- Food
- Shelter
- Medical and dental care
- Clothing
- Recreation
- Paying bills
Your payee may not keep any amount of the benefits or charge you a fee.
The payee may also make purchases on your behalf to improve your living conditions, such as on house renovations and repairs, purchasing a new vehicle, and many other items.
However, the payee for those receiving SSI should use all of the benefits and is not advised to use them to provide any resource or income that would be worth over $2,000 for an individual or $3,000 for couples. Both of these scenarios could result in a loss of your SSI benefits.
For more information about the details of what a Representative Payee does, see this document.
We’re Here to Help
If you want more information or help regarding Representative Payees and the Advance Designation process, we can help!
Contact Lowery Law Group at info@lowerylegal.com or call (843) 991-0733. There is no fee for a free consultation regarding your claim. Lowery Law Group is experienced in handling cases in South Carolina as well as Georgia.