Initial Disability Application Process

The Lowery Law Group
Phone (843) 991-0733
Fax (843) 628-4895
1156 Bowman Road
Suite 200
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Initial Disability Application Process
Need to Apply for Benefits?
Let the Lowery Law Group use their agency experience to file your claim for you at no charge.
There are four different ways to submit a claim for Social Security disability benefits:
- (1) file through an attorney’s office,
- (2) file an application online at,
- (3) call your local Social Security office to set up an appointment to file over the telephone, or
- (4) call your local Social Security office to set up an appointment to file in person.
The way in which your claim is filed may, in some cases, set you up for an earlier approval or if done incorrectly can result in delays and present difficulties throughout the duration of your case. An incomplete application package or missing information regarding medical providers will slow down the application process. The Lowery Law Group is careful to file your claim completely and accurately in order to present your case in the best way possible to examiners. Individuals who are represented by an attorney are more likely to be approved for disability benefits than those who are unrepresented. If you are considering filing a claim for disability call or contact Lowery Law Group for a free phone consultation.

Disability Benefits Application FAQs
Do my medical conditions qualify me for Social Security disability benefits?
You can be approved for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income based on any medical condition as long as it prevents you from performing full time work at a level consistent with substantial gainful activity for at least 12 months.
The Social Security Administration considers not only your medical records, but also your age, education level, and past work experience in reviewing your case. Medical documentation is very important in Social Security disability claims, when applying for disability it is important to supply Social Security with a full list of your physicians, including their addresses, dates of treatment, and what conditions have been diagnosed. The disability application checklist located at provides helpful information that you will need to gather prior to filing your claim.
Is my age a factor in applying for disability benefits?
Yes, age is a factor in disability claims. For individuals 50 years of age and older, the rules Social Security uses to review claims are much more favorable and therefore the odds of being approved for disability increases. As individuals become older, the jobs Social Security considers when determining if you can work narrow and Social Security is less likely to find that you have transferable job skills or can be retrained.
Is my past work a factor in applying for disability benefits?
Yes, the work that you have performed in the past is an important factor in disability claims, especially for applicants 50 years of age and older. The more physically demanding your past work was, the more likely Social Security is to find that you are not able to return to it. For individuals that have a sedentary work history, the more likely it is that Social Security will determine you can return to your past work as actually or generally performed.
I am not able to return to my past job or any jobs I have been trained to do, does this mean I am disabled?
No, Social Security will look to see if you are able to perform other jobs in the national economy. The extent to which Social Security considers your ability to perform other jobs depends on your age.
Can I work while applying for disability benefits?
Yes, you are able to work while applying for or receiving Social Security disability benefits as long as you follow certain guidelines. The amount you are able to earn and still apply for, or receive, Social Security disability benefits depends on which disability benefit program your claim falls under. However, you are not able to apply for disability benefits under either program and work full time no matter what your medical conditions or financial circumstances are.
- Social Security Disability Insurance: When applying for or receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you cannot work more than part time or earn more than what is considered “substantial gainful activity” or SGA. The SGA criteria varies each year. For the most current information see
- Supplemental Security Income: When applying for or receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you cannot have significant income or other assets, as SSI is a need-based program. If you do work while applying for or receiving SSI, your monthly SSI payment amount will be reduced and likely eliminated.
There is NO FEE for a FREE consultation regarding your claim, thus you have nothing to lose by calling Lowery Law Group today to discuss your case. We handle cases in both South Carolina as well as Georgia.