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Compassionate Allowances

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The Lowery Law Group
Phone  (843) 991-0733
Fax  (843) 628-4895

1156 Bowman Road
Suite 200
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Compassionate Allowances

Do certain medical conditions automatically qualify me for benefits?

Yes, in certain circumstances Social Security will fast track an application for benefits when the applicant is suffering from a severe disability that clearly meets Social Security’s standards for disability benefits. This is known as the Compassionate Allowances Program. The conditions that qualify under the Compassionate Allowances Program range from metastatic cancer to transplant failures to adult brain disorders, as well as a number of rare disorders affecting children.

For a complete list of conditions see https://www.ssa.gov/compassionateallowances/conditions.htm.

How to Apply for a Compassionate Allowance

There is no separate application for a Compassionate Allowance. You are required to file a disability claim for Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income through the standard application process. If you have a disability published on the Compassionate Allowances list, you will need to clearly state the diagnosis on your application form. Social Security will verify the diagnosis with your physician and if your medical condition does meet the Compassionate Allowance criteria, your application for benefits and receipt of benefits will be expedited.

There is NO FEE for a FREE consultation  regarding your claim, thus you have nothing to lose by calling Lowery Law Group today to discuss your case. We handle cases in both South Carolina as well as Georgia.

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Schedule a NO FEE Social Security Disability claim consultation with Lowery Law Group today.