Artificial Intelligence Being Used For Disability Evaluations
We have all heard the new buzz word “AI,” meaning artificial intelligence, that is being used widely across the nation as a replacement of human effort. But is AI really that new? Not exactly. AI has been on the horizon for decades, but recently, AI accessibility has been the talk of the news for numerous reasons as a variety of businesses are putting AI to use more frequently.
AI Evaluating Disability Claims
The application of AI sure does raise eyebrows as to how efficient and accurate it really is. And thus, why so many deem the use of AI in resolution as controversial. How can a robotic system rely on automated decisions and responses? This skepticism is becoming a reality in this digital world – starting with the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Disability Evaluation Under Social Security has been specifically prepared to provide physicians and other health professionals with an understanding of the disability programs administered by the SSA. The evaluation explains how each program works and includes information a health professional can supply to ensure comprehensive and speedy determination and their overall decision on disability claims.
The Social Security Act defines “disability” as the “inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment 5 which can be expected to result in death or . . . last for [at least] twelve months”
Social Security disability claims are mostly applied for online, but can also be done in person, or over the phone. These claim applications must include the disables person’s impairment(s), treatment sources and other information relating to their disability in order to request disability benefits.
The SSA, in addition to the Disability Determination Services (DDSs, or State agencies), then process the claim, and go through verifying the eligibility requirements of the disability. The DDS researches medical evidence of the individual filing the application.
The United States SSA’s Disability Program has been using AI to help its judges and attorneys make core adjudicative decisions. SSA has developed and deployed an automated AI system enabling adjudicators to check draft decisions for roughly 30 quality issues, addressing long-standing questions about the accuracy, consistency, and speed of case processing.
Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the Social Security Administration (SSA), Sean Brune, suggests the pandemic accelerated SSA’s efforts to modernize its systems. This includes the use of artificial intelligence in the evaluation of disability claims, because a quicker automated processing revenue was neccesary. Brune said that SSA is focused on adopting “more robust technology for assisting in adjudication or decisions on claims. Particularly in the disability arena, we are expanding our use of artificial intelligence [referred to by SSA as “automated decision support”] to identify evidentiary documents that meet our requirements and flag them to the decision maker.”
Recently, Mr. Brune also noted there were 54 different unique systems to adjudicate those funds,” he said. “Now we have one nationwide disability claims processing system. We’ve retired those state legacy systems, and that has enabled us to apply artificial intelligence.”
Generative AI Advancement
The AI evolution is here and businesses across the nation are integrating AI into their daily workloads. Generative AI technology, such as ChatGPT, could be a huge threat to the Social Security program. One main reason being that AI will start replacing human jobs. Yes, AI will create new job opportunities, but the question is will there be enough new job opportunities to offset the job losses?
This system is fundamentally based on funding from payroll taxes and requires a steady inflow of new jobs as Americans retire. When these jobs are no longer available, the system falls apart, and Social Security gets negatively impacted.
However, there are becoming more individuals that need Social Security benefits and not enough workers to help with this data entry workload. We saw this happen during the Pandemic where the SSA was forced to adapt their IT processes, and the adjustment taught IT departments how to take advantage of automated digital amenities. Consequently, AI is being used more frequently to expediate core services.
Brune resolves “we are expanding our use of artificial intelligence to identify evidentiary documents that meet our requirements for decision-making. We now have one nationwide adjudication system and disability claims processing system. We’ve retired those legacy systems, and that has enabled us to apply artificial intelligence.”
Now that the structural groundwork has been laid for AI automation in disability claims, AI will become more present in critical SSA business services.
Lowery Law Group is your legal support in South Carolina. We provide assistance to those with disabilities. Whether their rights have been violated or denied a service or claim due to their disability, Lowery Law is there to help you through the complicated Social Security Disability process.
Contact Lowery Law Group at info@lowerylegal.com or call (843) 991-0733. There is no fee for a free consultation regarding your claim. Lowery Law Group is experienced in handling cases in South Carolina as well as Georgia.