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Appeal of Disability Denials

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The Lowery Law Group
Phone  (843) 991-0733
Fax  (843) 628-4895

1156 Bowman Road
Suite 200
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Appeal of Disability Denials

Has Your Disability Claim Been Denied?

Let the Lowery Law Group review your claim and file your appeal at no charge.
If your initial disability application is denied, a request for reconsideration must be filed within 60 days of the initial denial notice.

At the reconsideration level, applications are reviewed by a different Social Security examiner. During the reconsideration process you will want to provide updated information regarding visits to your doctor or information on any new treatment that you have received. You will again be asked to complete forms regarding your daily activities and work history.

Social security disability denied appeals process paperwork photo

If your Social Security Disability claim is denied at the initial and reconsideration levels, you must file a request for a hearing within 60 days of the reconsideration denial. The majority of claims require a hearing, so if you have been denied at the first two levels do not become discouraged.

You can appeal your claim online by visiting https://secure.ssa.gov/iApplsRe/start. However, your chances of success are greatly increased with proper legal representation at all levels of the application process. Call or contact the Lowery Law Group today to discuss your case at no charge.

There is NO FEE for a FREE consultation  regarding your claim, thus you have nothing to lose by calling Lowery Law Group today to discuss your case. We handle cases in both South Carolina as well as Georgia.

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Schedule a NO FEE Social Security Disability claim consultation with Lowery Law Group today.