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How to create a successful law firm - marie lowery

5 Things You Need To Create Or Lead A Successful Law Firm

The Business Side of Law: Marie Lowery of Lowery Law Group Tells All

Attorney, Marie Lowery of Lowery Law Group was interviewed by Insight Magazine to spill the beans on how she leads her successful Social Security Disability Law firm. Marie began her career working for the Social Security Administration (SSA) as an attorney advisor for the Federal Government. There she realized her passion for advocating for individuals struggling to navigate the disability process. Emerging this niche within the practice of law and being involved on both sides of the disability application process distinguishes Marie from other practitioners in the field.


Authority Magazine Featured Lawyer Marie Lowery


Lowery Law Group opened its doors in 2015 and has been representing thousands of disability applicants in federal court appeals. Marie is a long-standing member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives, representing clients in South Carolina and Georgia.

Fostering hope is what motivates Marie most to continue practicing in this field, striving to create a positive impact in the community by advising individuals and families facing unexpected hardships involving physical and mental disabilities.

Of course, like any other business, post pandemic encounters must be addressed for Lowery Law Group as well. The most difficult challenge recently has been the wait times for disability claims to be processed. These have been at all-time highs and the focus has been geared toward advocating with local congressional offices for Social Security to reach fair and accurate decisions in a timely manner.


Unique Qualities Lowery Law Group Offers:

Accountability — We have a strong sense of responsibility and accountability to clients. Being up front with clients and proactive, rather than reactive in dealing with issues that inevitability will arise during the process, is a crucial trait of ours.

Compassion — We hear from clients every day that never expected to be in a position of needing to apply for disability. Listening and being sensitive to what clients are going through both health wise and otherwise is important in establishing a relationship of mutual respect and trust.

Resilience —Adapting to change and uncertainty is essential. So many of our clients are at their lowest point facing significant heath and financial challenges during the disability process. Lowery Law Group  solves their problem, reminding them to keep moving forward, and remain hopeful.

Marie Lowery explains “one of the most important skills that lawyers who are also business owners often struggle with is managing overhead. You can be the best lawyer in town but if you do not keep on top of your overhead costs then cash flow will always be a concern.”

She goes on to say that “successfully vetting the viability of potential clients is important when running a successful law firm. Especially for solo or small firm practitioners, being able to access the merits of potential claims on the front end helps to ensure you are making effective use of your time.”

Five Methods To Create a Successful Law Firm:

  1. Manage personnel: Identify what motivates different people and be able to adjust management techniques and find ways to emphasize those motivating factors in different situations.
  2. Hire and fire: When hiring it is important to establish clear expectations and identify what role that new team member will play as well as map out the workflow process. Establishing clear expectations from the start helps to hold the new team member accountable. I schedule regular review meetings with new team members and keep a log of what was discussed so that I can identify any potential issues or performance concerns.
  3. Generate leads: I have found that the best way to generate leads is to network with local practitioners and build relationships.
  4. Advertise: Word of mouth advertising is a powerful tool especially with the rise of social media and online reviews.
  5. Manage finances: It is easy as a business owner to put day to day money management on the back burner to focus on working in your practice. I have found that creating and sticking to a budget is one of the best ways to manage income and expense goals.

For more details read the entire Insight Magazine article.

Contact Lowery Law Group at info@lowerylegal.com or call (843) 991-0733. There is no fee for a free consultation regarding your claim. Lowery Law Group is experienced in handling cases in South Carolina as well as Georgia.